This photograph by Earlie Hudnall shows John Biggers being inducted into the Order of Kilimanjaro, an award given to him by the African Union at an event in Houston. Africa and African roots were essential parts of Biggers' art and teachings.
This photograph by Earlie Hudnall shows John Biggers seated on a bench near Texas Southern's Fairchild Building. He holds a mother & child sculpture in his left hand and an Aunt Dicy (of the eponymous tales) sculpture in his right. A mammy doll is seen to his left on the ground.
This photograph by Earlie Hudnall shows John Biggers seated with boys on a porch. The setting is Laurel, MS, where the men stopped on their way to Gastonia, NC, Biggers' hometown. Lacking proper materials, Hudnall stored the negative in a McDonald's cup until he could develop it.
In this photograph, Dr. John Biggers opens the door to Texas Southern's art building, which was dedicated the John T. Biggers Art Center in 1995. Artist Jean Lacy stands to the left of Dr. Biggers. Biggers founded the university's art department in 1949 and retired in 1983.
Pictured here, left to right, are Texas Southern art alumni Bert Samples, John C. Davis, Harvey Johnson, Leon Renfro, former art student Ricky Donato, and Professor Carroll Harris Simms walking on the campus of TSU. Johnson and Renfro would later go on to teach art at TSU.
The pre-sketch stage of Texas Southern alumnus J.W. Sampson's mural on the first floor of Hannah Hall is shown here. Before he took paint to the wall, Sampson first made a grid (to help with scaling up to the large mural size) and then drew out his intended design.
Texas Southern art alumnus Bertram (Bert) Samples is pictured here admiring his mural, which he painted on a first floor wall of Hannah Hall. Samples' mural shows the artist sleeping on his desk after his mother died, dreaming and remembering moments from his life.
Texas Southern art alumni Jesse Sifuentes and Earl Jones are pictured in this photograph from the mid 1970s. They are seen here in the ceramics room of the art center, seated in the trash cans where clay was stored.